Yelling and hitting your kids is reducing their self-esteem

Parents can debate on this point for several hours. But we should think from the kid’s point of view. We often ignore their perspective and try to impose our idea in their mind. While the intention is good, the way of approach could ruin the overall aim. By yelling and hitting your kids, you are enforcing low self-esteem in them.

Almost every parent has yelled at their kids at some time. Some even feel it as an inevitable part of parenting. But trust me, these forceful behaviours received differently in the kid’s mind. Though it helps you to fix the bad habits, it can work only for the short term. The main problem is, they lack the skills like critical thinking, analysing the situation and so on.

So, instead of yelling and hitting, you have to spend time to sit and explain things. Positive infusion and appreciation of their good habits will improve their behaviour. Please move the yelling and hitting your kids to the bad parenting section, never do that again. It affects their self-esteem in the long run.

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